
Have you noticed that your skin may be a little dry and also have some problems that you wouldn't have before? This is when you should consider what the water quality is doing to your skin! You may have heard of "hard water" in your home. It refers to the high levels of magnesium and calcium in your water. These minerals can have a negative effect on your hair, skin and nails. They can also have a significant impact on other areas of your home. You may notice things like buildup on appliances, faded clothing, and stains in the toilet or bathtub. If these minerals can wreak havoc on several hard materials in your house, imagine what it can do to your skin. Using a water filter or other product can help solve this problem.

What is the water pollution?

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment.

What’s the effect of water pollution on skin?

When water contamination occurs, it can cause the hardness of the water to rise, and if you have eczema, psoriasis or other skin conditions, hard water can make these symptoms worse. Washing with this water over time can also lead to severe acne. The water itself doesn't always cause breakouts or acne, but it certainly has the ability to aggravate it, make it worse, and your hair will also be harmed when the quality of your water is low. Have you noticed that your skin breaks down more easily than normal? Well, low quality water can negatively affect your skin because its pH level can lead to severe breakouts. Hard water can also cause your scalp to become itchy and dry, resulting in this embarrassing and uncomfortable condition. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the next step is to have your water tested.

How to deal with the effect of water quality on skin?

Test your water quality

Once you understand how water quality affects your skin, it's important to take the appropriate steps. If you notice that your skin is particularly dry or your hair no longer has that shine, then the next step is to have your water tested. Test the results and then treat the problem and use the right treatment system for it. If the situation allows, it is best to use professional testing equipment, or ask a professional organization to test the water and issue a test report. But you could also assess this is by sight, taste and smell. To assess the odor, color and taste of tap water, compare each indicator to what you would observe in a distilled water sample. If your home drinking water has an unpleasant odor, color, or taste compared to distilled water, your home drinking water supply may be contaminated.

Using water filtration system

Water filters are one of the most cost-effective methods of dealing with water pollution, and there are a wide variety of water filters on the market with a variety of functions. For example, activated carbon filters that work by adsorbing chlorine molecules to the surface of the carbon, reverse osmosis systems also remove chlorine by blocking large molecules of chlorine as water passes through a semipermeable membrane.

AWater 1 Tankless Reverse Osmosis System Under Sink RO Water Filtration