The facts about water filters: they reduce and remove odor, and take care of turbidity issues. But the main reason that people choose filtered water is health. With heavy metals like lead and chemicals like chlorine ever-present in our water supply, it’s a relief to find out that tankless reverse osmosis water filter system can improve our health and protect us from serious health issues. But how did it works?
1. Reduce Risk of Cancer
Most tap water is chemically treated to remove microorganisms. Chemicals such as chlorine and chloramines can effectively remove microorganisms, but they can cause health problems. Chlorine can interact with organic compounds in the water supply to produce disinfection by-products. Trihalomethane (THM) is a by-product that is known to increase the risk of cancer. The health benefits of filtered water include reducing the risk of cancer because you will not be exposed to these harmful chemicals. The filtered water is pure, clean, and safe to drink.
2. Protect From Diseases
When the pipes leak, corrode or break harmful microorganisms like E. coli bacteria can find their way into your drinking water from surrounding soil and water bodies. Waterborne pathogens can cause issues ranging from mild abdominal cramping to serious diseases.
Reverse osmosis water filtration system can remove more than 99% of contaminants, which protects you and your family from a wide variety of viruses and diseases caused by organic matter.
3. Take care of your skin and mouth
Washing your face in chlorinated water can cause your skin to become dry, cracked, red, and inflamed. Entering the mouth will corrode tooth enamel and cause oral problems. All these symptoms are common to swimmers who spend time in local swimming pools.
The reverse osmosis water filtration system can filter the chlorine and chloramines and other pollutants that enter your home. If you wash your face and brush your teeth in filtered water for a few months, you may notice that your skin is softer and your mouth is healthier.
4. Clean Your Food
Chlorine and other harsh chemicals can infect your lunch during your washing your greens in the sink. With chlorine and other harsh chemicals. Over time ingesting accumulated chlorine in your food can increase your risk of developing breast cancer.
By preparing your food with chemical- and contaminant-free filtered water you also prepare better meals. Chlorine can affect the taste and color of some foods, especially products like pasta and bread.
5. Better Taste of Coffee/Tea
TDS in Water effect the taste of Coffee/Tea. TDS (Total Dissolved Solvents) measures any minerals, salts, metals or other solids dissolved in water. The unit of measurement is grams per ton, abbreviated as ppm. In simple terms, the higher the ppm value, the more soluble substances in the water, and these substances are likely to cause a low extraction rate when extracting coffee/tea; and the lower the ppm value, the less soluble substances in the water, so the extraction of coffee/tea. The extraction rate will be higher.
People have high requirements for the quality and origin of coffee beans/tea. Of course, the water used for brewing should also be improved. The water filtered by the Reverse Osmosis water filtration system is the best choice. Layer filtration removes impurities and has activated carbon to improve the taste.