
We drink water every day, and water is the source of life. But what substances does water contain in it after many processes? How can we know what substances are contained in the water? This article will help you to solve these problems.

What substances are in tap water?

The main component of tap water is hydrate, and contains almost negligible chloride ions, disinfection with bleach (sodium chloride, sodium chloride), and some calcium ions, magnesium ions, potassium ions, and some sulfates and other trace minerals. After boiling tap water, most of the magnesium ions and calcium ions become precipitation (scale).

How to know if your water safe?

1)Test tap water by professional test if possible. If conditions permit, the most efficient way is to conduct a professional water quality test on your tap water, which can help you learn the water quality intuitively and accurately.

2)Test tap water by visual and olfactory inspection. The simpler method is to carefully observe whether there are impurities in your tap water, and whether there is sediment after a period of time; you can also judge whether there is any odor by smelling it, but some pollutants with small diameter or odorless may cannot be found.

3)Wash your hands or drink with your tap water. You could just use your tap water for washing hands or take a sip, and if you find your hands any uncomfortable or it taste weird, then it may be unsafe.

The method to deal with contaminated water?

1)Detect and identify sources of contamination. When you find your tap water is unsafe, the most crucial way is to find the source of contamination, it may result from the industrial pollution, old water pipes and tools, etc.

2)Boil your water to reduce contaminants. This is the most simple way to kill most bacteria and other contaminants. However, boiling does not remove all contaminants, and some contaminants may require more professional treatment. Most of families may boil water for at least one minute before drinking or cooking.

3)Use home water filtration system. Using a water filter at home is definitely the most effective and quickest way to deal with unsafe water. First of all, there are many types and brands of water filter systems you can choose to meet various water needs. For example, various filtration technologies like reverse osmosis system, ultrafiltration system and others for you. Secondly, the installation of most water filters is very simple, like most of the Reverse Osmosis Systems. Finally, some water filters are very simple to maintain, which could save your time and money.


AWater 1 Tankless Reverse Osmosis System Under Sink RO Water Filtration